
Kimei Lo

Kimei Design 之創辦人 / 插畫設計師 / 平面設計師

Kimei Lo 畢業於世新大學公共傳播學系(現更名為:世新大學公共關係暨廣告學系)與世新大學社會發展研究所。畢業後曾任採訪編輯、文字專欄作者、NGOs幹部/專案經理與國會法案助理。2014年底脫離受僱,於台北創立Kimei Design,將業餘修習興趣發展成設計專業,正式斜槓開啟獨立接案的設計職涯。






台灣大學、陽明交通大學、清華大學、中正大學、成功大學、高雄海洋科技大學……等各大專院校系/所之學術研討會活動主視覺設計與系列文宣品設計;《STM科技‧醫療與社會》、《中華傳播學刊》、《台灣社會學刊》等學術期刊封面及內頁版型改版設計、改版後之續期封面設計;成大系統系拖航水槽實驗室(NCKU TOWING TANK)LOGO設計;成大醫學、科技與社會研究中心(STM)LOGO及文宣品設計。






2014 LVG秋冬手鐲設計大賽 佳作
2014 新北客靚T設計大賞 入選

Kimei Lo

Founder / Illustrator / Graphic Designer of Kimei Design

Kimei Lo graduated from the Department of Public Communication of Shih Hsin University (now renamed: Department of Public Relations and Advertising of Shih Hsin University) and the Institute of Social Development of Shih Hsin University. After graduation, she worked as an interview editor, columnist, NGOs cadre/project manager, Assistant to the Legislative Yuan at Public Expenses. At the end of 2014, she gave up her occupation and founded Kimei Design in Taipei. She developed her part-time study interest into a second major and officially become a self-employed graphic designer.

The rich background of interdisciplinary learning and training enable Kimei to understand and express with both words and images. She is especially good at digesting difficult professional concepts and vocabularies, assisting clients to distill key elements, and then flexibly transform them into visual creativity. She provides customers with concise, efficient and clear-focused design communication experience, and delivers comprehensive solutions that combine quality and economy, feeling and function, business and art.

Main services

Book design, main visual creation and related activities printed literature planning and design integration, brand image planning and design, packaging planning and design, customized multi-style theme illustration design, Infographic design…etc.

Previous Customers

-Publishing Agency-
Book design for Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly In Social Studies, Fembooks Publishing House & Bookstore, Fang Cun Cultural and Creative, Chu Liu Book Co., Ltd. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press…etc.

-Schools and Departments-
Main visual design and series of literature and publicity materials for academic seminars such as: National Taiwan University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University, National Chung Cheng University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Kaohsiung Marine University, etc. The book cover and inner page layout revision design and the renewal cover design for academic journals, such as “Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine”, “Chinese Journal of Communication Research”, “Taiwanese Journal of Sociology”, etc. Logo design for NCKU TOWING TANK ; LOGO and literature design for NCKU Society, Technology and Medical Research Center.

-Government agencies-
The main visuals of activities, policy announcement cards, books, special albums and exhibition/exhibition venue design of government units, such as: Council for Hakka Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government, Meinong Hakka Cultural Museum, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Environment, Labor Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, Taipei Hakka Education Center , National Science and Technology Museum, etc.

-Medical Unit-
Professional image and promotional materials design for medical unit, such as: Taipei Hernia Surgery Center, Joshua Healthcare Management Consultant Co., Ltd.; monograph design for College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University.

Brand design for MediCool(MDK Global co., Ltd.), FREYA Co., Ltd., Tangi Good Soup & Rice Cuisine…etc; packaging design for Meinong Happy Hakka Casual Restaurant, DM design for Daynew United Law Firm, udnDigital Co., Ltd., desk calendar and New Year’s card design for GiWei accounting firm.

-NGOs & Fundations-
The literature design for the Taiwan Homeless Empowerment Association; the brand, packaging and product DM design of the Homeless Workstation; the design of the logo, business card and podcast cover of Taiwan Political Economy Collaborative; the main visual design of the seminar activities of TAIPEI ArtCreator Trade Union; Cancer Hope Fund Design of the 100th and 101st issue(special issue) of Hope Foundation for Cancer care…etc.


2014 LVG Autumn and Winter Bracelet Design Contest / Excellent work
2014 New Taipei City Government Hakka T-shirt Design Contest / Award Selected